The Hungry Cat and Santa Barbara Farmers Market

The Hungry Cat and Santa Barbara Farmers Market

Brandon and I seem to find our way out to Santa Barbara pretty often. It’s far from where I live, but only 30 minutes away from where he lives, so when I visit him, which is often, we have a tendency to head up there 

Hollywood’s Magic

Hollywood’s Magic

I woke up from a morning of face stuck-to-the-pillow exhaustion and opened one eye to wink at my phone, to see who was texting me. Of course, it was a welcomed text from my good friend Joanna, telling me, “It’s a beautiful day. What are 

My favorite day in Seattle

My favorite day in Seattle

I’d have to say the best day I had in Seattle was the last full day I was there. An honest save the best for last type feeling occurred to me and I was able to get in an amazing amount of fun. My morning 

Adventures with Stephanie

Adventures with Stephanie

Sometimes I think to myself I’m so terrible with keeping up with content but  there’s so much to write about when it comes to food, life, and fun. And every day I’m so fortunate to be able to share the things I love and eat