Quarantine Cooking

Quarantine Cooking

How many of you are doing more cooking then you ever imagined in your life?

Do you hate it? Or feel comforted by it?

I guess most of us probably have mixed feelings about it all depending on if you liked cooking in the first place. But for over 11/12 weeks now? who knows how long this is going… we have been making every meal at home and I’m sure some of you have too.

Having more then one person able to cook food also really helps and the fact that both of us are chefs does too so we are at an advantage.

I truly feel for all the parents out there makings 10+ meals/ snacks a day for individual kids and all their picky needs. You guys are saints and you definitely deserve some take out or a few big bottles of wine.

When I don’t feel like cooking I usually turn to a bowl of cereal, fruit cup, yogurt parfait, or meat and cheese plate, even cooks don’t like to cook all the time.

It might all seem so mundane now but it will get better. And hopefully after all this cooking you’ll be a better cook!

Here are some of the dishes that we’ve been making during quarantine. One thing to know is Brandon and I are horrible with recipes. When you have been cooking for 15+ years you don’t usually use them as much, which we know can be hard for home cooks so if you are interested in the step by step Brandon has been making some cooking classes online for his community college culinary class and they are on youtube so you can check those out here. I prefer to be behind the camera instead of in front so enjoy Brandon’s recipes here.

Here is what we made:

Even if you don’t want to make these dishes maybe you’ll get some inspiration for trying something different.

I’m super grateful to revive this blog and I hope to be posting more often.
