Father’s Day Surf and Turf

Father’s Day Surf and Turf

My dad has always been my hero. There is no one like him in the whole world and I love him more than I could ever describe. My dad always believes in me, no matter what, and is always by my side and I want 

Maleeya’s First Birthday Celebration and Catering

Maleeya’s First Birthday Celebration and Catering

My niece, Maleeya, just recently turned one on Easter, which was April 8th, so we decided that it would be a good idea to celebrate Easter with our family, including a small birthday celebration for her and then, the following Sunday, have her huge birthday 

A New Now: Living in Our Loves

A New Now: Living in Our Loves

I love food. It’s something that always makes me happy, challenges me, enlightens my senses, creates a sense of joy, and never ceases to carry my interest for more. And as you can see, I’m happily immersed in it most of the time. Lately, my 

Dinner for 8: Happy Birthday Big Sister Keek‏

Dinner for 8: Happy Birthday Big Sister Keek‏

Birthdays are my favorite occasions to celebrate. I always have some extravagant plan for someone I love, if it’s at all possible to get done.  The weekend of the 12th my big sister, Kristen, had a birthday celebration for the family, and myself and Brandon cooked 

Little Brother’s Big 25 and Recipe for Pork Chop “Saltimbocca”

Little Brother’s Big 25 and Recipe for Pork Chop “Saltimbocca”

As time goes by, it seems that things change and we get lost in the adult whirl wind of life. Though I don’t believe I’m truly an adult at heart, the time has come to come to grip with the fact that I’m not a 

What We Ate on Thanksgiving

What We Ate on Thanksgiving

Here we are, giving thanks for this extreme bounty of food and great times. I’m so lucky to have so much love in my heart. This is the menu I prepared for Thanksgiving day. I hope you enjoy the photos and had a magnificent feast 

A Birthday Italian Feast

A Birthday Italian Feast

Overindulgence! Phew, I need to get back into the yoga studio. But it’s not for nothing, that’s for sure. I just need to work a little harder and I can make up for all this delicious decadence I’ve been subjecting myself to. My dad’s birthday 

A beautiful Summer time Birthday Dinner for Guy!

A beautiful Summer time Birthday Dinner for Guy!

A very dear friend of mine asked me about a month ago if I would be able to help cater his 26th birthday for about 14 people. Of course I obliged, birthdays are my very favorite times to cook for others. As you’ve seen I’ve 

Bachan’s 88th Birthday

Bachan’s 88th Birthday

Yesterday I presented some of the best food I’ve ever made. In my cooking experience this is what it comes down to, delivering something with love and something so honest as the things you grew up with, or just love yourself that the food you’ve 

My Mom, My Grandma Ruth, My Bachan… and My Sister’s first mothers day… Feast

My Mom, My Grandma Ruth, My Bachan… and My Sister’s first mothers day… Feast

These women are the core of my heart. They have taught me more then I could ever imagine. My family is created of these die hard matrons who make everything in their lives about their families. These are the people who taught me my love