Simple Whipped Cream Pistachio Pie

Simple Whipped Cream Pistachio Pie

  Pistachio Pie is one of the things I remember as a child. My sister would ask my mom every year to make this simple pie for her birthday dessert. There would be blue candles atop (her favorite color) and she would smile big as 

A Chefs Update…Culinary projects… and the Loudmouth

A Chefs Update…Culinary projects… and the Loudmouth

A Chefs Update…Culinary projects… and the Loudmouth I’ve been up to a plethora of culinary concoctions as of late but not for my usual audience. This week I’ve been lucky enough to book three culinary gigs for myself which have been keeping me quite the 

Love yourself Everyday! Happy Valentines…

Love yourself Everyday! Happy Valentines…

Love yourself Everyday! Happy Valentines… I don’t really stand on the same side of the street when it comes to Valentines day but my best wish is to show people that you don’t just need one day to show people you love them. You need 

Zesty Lemon and Raspberry Jamwiches

Zesty Lemon and Raspberry Jamwiches

I saw this beautiful entry about Monet’s Grandmother and her Strawberry Jamwiches. The story is beautiful and inspiring, just how food should be. There’s something about certain dishes, their story and the beautiful artistry of cooking that not just Chefs have but everyone who 

Focaccina Caprese d’oliva e Rucola

Focaccina Caprese d’oliva e Rucola

So I’ve been going straight back to my Italian roots… well the ones i made for myself that is. I have a very intense love of Italian food. The culture is so romantic and passionate and it really translates into the food. A really luxurious, 

Salted Almond Cookie Experiments and Almond Joy Cookie

Salted Almond Cookie Experiments and Almond Joy Cookie

You know when you have Chinese food? And they serve you those almond cookies that are really flat kinda shinny on top and have a sliced almond on them? yeah those? Well i had a craving and i thought to myself why the hell not. 

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone and happy holidays for anyone else who isn’t celebrating. I hope every one is sharing these awesome days of happiness with the people you love and the friendships you cherish. I’m so grateful for you all and I hope you have an 

Soft Clove Sprinkled Molasses Gingerbread

Soft Clove Sprinkled Molasses Gingerbread

I think the best thing about cookies is once you have the core ingredients you just bunch together something else you like and you can make another cookie which is also a bad thing because it leads me to having about three million ideas I 

Coconut white chocolate chip cookie… Here we go

Coconut white chocolate chip cookie… Here we go

Here’s the deal with my cookies… I try and make them so they aren’t crazy sweet these one though are on the sweet side but not too much I found. They have lots of nice texture from the chocolate chips to the toasted coconut on 

Not A Baker

Not A Baker

But I bake on Occasion… I’d sell a bulldozer of sugar for salt any day of the week… But of course with the season were in I can’t get myself away from it. I’m tired of dry boring cookies out of the package or even