Tag: sage

Red Swiss Chard, Butternut Squash and Bacon Mac and Cheese

Red Swiss Chard, Butternut Squash and Bacon Mac and Cheese

There’s really nothing like fall flavors. I love the combination of spices, hot foods and rich flavors that fall and winter have to offer. So as I get ready for Thanksgiving, I look for new ways to make some of the classic favorites into new 

Little Brother’s Big 25 and Recipe for Pork Chop “Saltimbocca”

Little Brother’s Big 25 and Recipe for Pork Chop “Saltimbocca”

As time goes by, it seems that things change and we get lost in the adult whirl wind of life. Though I don’t believe I’m truly an adult at heart, the time has come to come to grip with the fact that I’m not a